Titleimage: Unit for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Societies

Studying in Bern means studying at an excellent university. Studying Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in Bern means studying in a departmental unit that not only deals with the ‘normative’ aspects of Islam, but also with the history, culture and everyday life in Muslim societies.

We focus primarily on modernity and the present while combining the disciplinary rigour of text-oriented Islamic Studies with the expertise of regional studies and postcolonial approaches. We are specialized in historical, sociological and political methods and work in particular on gender and sexuality studies, legal history, labour history, research on media and political movements.

As a smaller unit within the structure of a larger department, we offer excellent supervision and guidance for students pursuing their studies with us. 



News and events

Great News: Dr Fulvio Bertuccelli joins MOMuG for 16 months!

The Unit for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Societies will host Dr Fulvio Bertuccelli for 16 months as part of his MSCA Global Fellowship for a project entitled IhaNeT: Identity, Nation and Treason in Turkish Concept of Authority. IhaNeT is an interdisciplinary project that aims to improve understanding of the concept of treason (ihanet in Turkish) in its collective dimension in Turkey. Covering the period from the collapse of the Ottoman Empire to the failed military coup of 2016, IhaNeT aims to elucidate the evolution of treason in its legal, discursive and subjective dimensions. We look forward to welcoming Dr Bertuccelli and congratulate him on this great success!
