Dr. Noha Roushdy

Early PostDoc

Fachbereich Mittlerer Osten und muslimische Gesellschaften

Postal Address
University of Bern
Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies SACS
Lerchenweg 36
3012 Bern
Consultation Hour
by arrangement via email

Since September 2023, Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Humanities, University of Bern

Nov 2022-Aug 2023 Postdoctoral Scholar, Sociology, Egyptology, Anthropology Department, American University in Cairo, Egypt

October 2021-March 2023 Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales (Cedej), Cairo, Egypt

2021 PhD in Anthropology, Boston University

2013-2019 Doctoral Candidate and Graduate Teaching Fellow, Anthropology Department, Boston University

2006-2010 MA in Sociology-Anthropology, American University in Cairo

2002-2006 BA in Middle East Studies, American University in Cairo

political anthropology, the anthropology of education, national identity and belonging, everyday experiences of privilege and inequality, youth and popular culture, gender, with a special focus on modern and contemporary society in Egypt and the Middle East

  • “Learning to be Egyptian: Class and Belonging in Cairo’s International Schools,” Book Project (under Contract with SUNY Press), supported by the Arab Council for Social Sciences with funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York
  • Education, social media and changing youth cultures in the post-2011 Middle East (under development with Prof. Nijmi Edres)
  • Femininity and Dance in Egypt: Embodiment and Meaning in al-Raqs al-Baladi, American University in Cairo
  • Between Class and Nation: Education and the Dilemmas of Elite Belonging in Contemporary Egypt, Boston University

Click here to view the publications of Noha Roushdy.