Prof. Dr. Serena Tolino

Associate Professor, Co-Director of SACS, Study Counselling at all Levels, Mobility Coordinator

Fachbereich Mittlerer Osten und muslimische Gesellschaften

Postal Address
University of Bern
Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies SACS
Lerchenweg 36
3012 Bern

Since 2020 – Professor for Islamic Studies, Institute for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Bern

From 2022 – Member of the Standing Committee for Equal Opportunities at the phil.-hist. faculty of the University of Bern

2016-2020 – Junior Professor for Islamic Studies, Asia and Africa Institute, University of Hamburg

April 2019 – January 2020 Gender Equality Faculty Officer, Asia and Africa Institute, University of Hamburg

2019 – Special Prize of the Claussen Simon Foundation for the 100th anniversary of the University of Hamburg for the teaching project “One Foot in the Past - One in the Future: Young Investigators and the Tradition of Middle Eastern Studies in Hamburg”

2015-2019 – University didactics training at “Didactica” (University of Zurich and ETH) and at the Centre for University Teaching and Learning of the University of Hamburg (Basic Certificate for University Didactics: 2017; Consolidating Certificates for Teaching Competences and for Leadership Competences: 2018; Consolidating Certificate for Media Competences: 2019)

2018  –  Italian National Habilitation as Associate Professor of “History of Islamic countries” (Abilitazione scientifica nazionale come “Professore di seconda fascia”, macrosettore 10/N1, Culture del Vicino Oriente Antico, del Medio Oriente e dell’Africa, settore L-OR/10, Storia dei paesi islamici)

May 2018 – Visiting Professor at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Erasmus Mobility Grant

2018-2019 – Coordinator for the University of Hamburg of the project “SLAFNET “(Slavery in Africa: A Dialogue between Europe and Africa,

Since 2018 – Secretary-Treasurer of the “International Society for Islamic Legal Studies” (ISILS)

2012-2016 – Post-doc at the University of Zurich in the project “Gender Ambiguities in the Orders of Knowledge and Power in the Arab and Latin Middle Ages”, financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation and directed by Prof. Dr. Almut Höfert

Since 2015 – Board member of the “International Society for Islamic Legal Studies” (ISILS)

Summer 2015 – Visiting Professor at the “Universidade da Coruña”, International Summer School, Swiss-European Mobility Grant

Fall 2013 – Stipendiary Visiting Fellow, Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard University, Cambridge (MA)

2012 – Ph.D. in “Islamic Studies” (Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg) and Doctor Europaeus in “Studies on the Near East and Maghreb: Cultural Specificities and Intercultural Relations” (University of Naples “L’Orientale”) (summa cum laude)

2008-2012 – Ph.D. Fellow, Graduate School “Society and Culture in Motion”, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

2005-2008 – Research and Study in Cairo

2007 – MA in “Sciences of Languages, History and Cultures of Islamic and Mediterranean Countries”, University of Naples “L’Orientale”

2005 – BA in “Languages, History and Cultures of Islamic and Mediterranean Countries”, University of Naples “L’Orientale”

Gender and Sexuality in Islamicate societies

Islamic Law

Slavery and Dependency in Islamicate Societies

History of Modern and Contemporary Egypt

Fatimid History



Click here to view the publications of Serena Tolino.